Just a reminder that if you would like to opt your child out of face-to-face instruction for the start of the 2020-2021 school year, please complete the form below. Today is the last day to do it. Opt out Form: https://forms.gle/ZTnrrTsWPoPh7rmS9 Thanks!
over 4 years ago, Glendive Public Schools
Kindergarten registration is now open for the 2020-2021 school year. In order to be eligible for kindergarten, your child must be 5 by September 10, 2020. If your child fits this criteria, please click on the following link to register electronically. This is our first time registering online, but we are giving it a go! https://mtdecloud3.infinitecampus.org/campus/OLRLoginKiosk/glendive
over 4 years ago, Caroline Coovert
Here is a link to the updated school supply lists for Jefferson students. We had to add a couple of items to ensure our students have what they need in order for us to function at our best! https://www.glendiveschools.com/o/jes/browse/52684
over 4 years ago, Caroline Coovert
Kindergarten Registration Information: Please watch out for information about how to register your Kindergarten Student by Tuesday, August 11th. We are working on a way to register your student online.
over 4 years ago, JES Dino-mites
GPS is working on getting the A and B student groups finalized for each school. If your child’s last name starts with an A-K they will be in the A Group that will attend onsite Monday and Wednesday of each week. If your child’s last name starts with an L-Z they will be in the B Group that attends onsite Tuesday and Thursday. We know issues may arise with this split because of things like families with different last names, childcare, work schedules, etc. If this is the case for your child/family, please take the following survey with as much detail as possible. We will do our absolute best to accommodate everyone’s request but will also have to make sure the groups are evenly distributed to allow for social distancing and an optimal learning environment. Priority will be given to make sure that children in the same household will stay on the same schedule. Class Lists will not be released until this information has been collected, reviewed, and staff able to make adjustments. This survey is due at the end of the day on August 10th. PLEASE DO NOT MOVE FORWARD TAKING THIS SURVEY IF YOUR ASSIGNED SCHEDULE WORKS FOR YOUR FAMILY. Survey Link: https://forms.gle/iifUymSqU1BaQXV59
over 4 years ago, Glendive Public Schools
Glendive Public Schools is requesting that any parent or guardian that would like to opt their child out of face-to-face instruction for the start of the 2020-2021 school year, complete the form that can be found at the link below. Parents will be allowed to choose this option through Tuesday, August 11, 2020. Each school needs time to prepare and plan for staffing needs for both online and face-to-face instruction. Completing this opt out agreement is necessary and very important. If you have any questions about this, please contact the building administrator of the school your child will be attending. The Glendive Unified School Board has determined that students who opt out of face-to-face instruction will still be allowed to participate in sports and activities. Please note that this is only for people that are registered with Glendive Public Schools. All rules, procedures, and eligibility requirements must be followed to participate. Opt out Form: https://forms.gle/ZTnrrTsWPoPh7rmS9
over 4 years ago, Glendive Public Schools
We would like to take a minute to briefly explain the difference between online learning and offsite learning to hopefully clear up any confusion between the two. Online Learning This would only take place in the event that the government shuts down the school, if students/teachers have been quarantined, or if a student has chosen to be an on-line student. In these cases, we would have students use their provided device and connect with their teachers remotely. This would include but would not be limited to online independent assignments, Google Meet/Zoom meetings, interactive lessons, and would have teacher directed lessons. Offsite Learning (Restricted or Hybrid A/B model) This would be supplemental work for the hybrid format in order to meet requirements. During the hybrid schedule, this supplemental learning would take place in conjunction with classroom instruction. Students who attend school would be given additional “at home” activities to be completed outside the classroom along with a provided device. Examples of this offsite learning could be: reading, summarizing an article, math practice, spelling practice, little readers, projects, reading a novel, writing practice, review problems, journaling, review questions, etc. This could also include activities to promote social/emotional development such as: family dinner time, reading to a sibling, taking a walk, riding a bike, hiking in the park, swimming, preparing a meal together, etc. Our goal at GPS is to provide an excellent education to our students while keeping the health of our students and staff at the forefront.
over 4 years ago, Glendive Public Schools
Hello from Glendive Public Schools! ​2020-2021 Glendive Public Schools Reopening Parent Survey This survey was requested by the GPS Board of Trustees in order to explore reopening plan options for the 2020-2021 school year. Please fill out this survey for each of the children in your care by Sunday, August 2, 2020. We want to make sure everyone gets one of these so we apologize for all the repeat messages. https://forms.gle/r2tyw3tnSAcXcNmU6 Thank you!
over 4 years ago, Glendive Public Schools
We need your help! If you have a student eligible for kindergarten this fall (turns 5 before Sept 10th), please take the time to fill out the following survey. This will help us get a better picture of how many kindergarten students we will have this fall since we were not able to hold registration and screenings in the spring. More information will be sent out Aug 3 about registering for kindergarten. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd_4eqFgN0mxjkhCn_ck2PpCzknD7oB3wz2b6WQ2_cjik-ISA/viewform?usp=sf_link
over 4 years ago, JES Dino-mites
Today is the last day to take the survey. Please check out the link below. 𝗚𝗣𝗦 𝗖𝗢𝗩𝗜𝗗-𝟭𝟵 𝗦𝗨𝗥𝗩𝗘𝗬 Glendive Public Schools is committed to coming up with the best possible plan for the 2020-21 school year. In order to do this, it is imperative that we hear from you. We ask that you take a few minutes to complete this survey to help guide our planning. It is the utmost priority of GPS to safely reopen schools during this public health emergency. Your feedback is crucial to help ensure students and staff have healthy learning and working environments. Please click on the link below to be taken to the survey. Thank you! https://forms.gle/UShZNx85KYDBQC4D7
over 4 years ago, Glendive Public Schools
𝗚𝗣𝗦 𝗖𝗢𝗩𝗜𝗗-𝟭𝟵 𝗦𝗨𝗥𝗩𝗘𝗬 Survey Link Below... Glendive Public Schools is committed to coming up with the best possible plan for the 2020-21 school year. In order to do this, it is imperative that we hear from you. We ask that you take a few minutes to complete this survey to help guide our planning. It is the utmost priority of GPS to safely reopen schools during this public health emergency. Your feedback is crucial to help ensure students and staff have healthy learning and working environments. During this unprecedented time, the District has been following the guidance of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the State, Dawson County Board of Health, Dawson County Health Department, and the local medical community. Throughout this pandemic, the District’s first priority has been and will continue to be the safety of our students and staff. 𝗪𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝗶𝘀 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗽𝘂𝗿𝗽𝗼𝘀𝗲 𝗼𝗳 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗖𝗢𝗩𝗜𝗗-𝟭𝟵 𝗦𝘂𝗿𝘃𝗲𝘆? 𝗛𝗼𝘄 𝘄𝗶𝗹𝗹 𝗚𝗣𝗦 𝘂𝘀𝗲 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝘀𝘂𝗿𝘃𝗲𝘆? The COVID-19 Survey collects your feedback so that our District leaders can gain information to build response plans in preparation of opening school under the following conditions: - Completely Online - Restricted (fully on-campus w/ CDC guidelines) - Partial (any combination of the previous two). 𝗟𝗶𝗻𝗸 𝘁𝗼 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗖𝗗𝗖 𝗚𝘂𝗶𝗱𝗲𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗲𝘀 https://bit.ly/CDCrequirements We know that parents/guardians may have different opinions about the school year depending on their child’s health, grade level, etc. In order to better serve the community, we ask that you fill out the survey for each child in your care, or for each child that attends a different school. When you finish, the survey link will be available to retake the survey. 𝗛𝗼𝘄 𝗱𝗼 𝗜 𝘁𝗮𝗸𝗲 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝘀𝘂𝗿𝘃𝗲𝘆? The survey takes on average 3 minutes to complete. Your answers will only be saved when you click "Submit" on the last page. Please respond to each question honestly and feel free to select "N/A" for any questions you don’t feel you have enough information to answer or aren’t comfortable sharing. Thank you in advance for helping Glendive Public School District understand your experiences and needs. Your participation is completely voluntary, and we value your feedback. 𝗟𝗜𝗡𝗞 𝗧𝗢 𝗧𝗛𝗘 𝗚𝗣𝗦 𝗖𝗢𝗩𝗜𝗗-𝟭𝟵 𝗦𝗨𝗥𝗩𝗘𝗬 https://forms.gle/QUoFGn2ACDpC4GvL9
over 4 years ago, Glendive Public Schools
Because of the reality of all that is going on right now, class lists will be posted in August. We were not able to have kindergarten screenings and registration as planned this spring, so kindergarten lists will not be completed until after that happens. However, in order to set all of our students and staff up for success, waiting to finalize class lists is necessary. Thank you for your understanding and have a great summer!
almost 5 years ago, Caroline Coovert
Within the next week, GPS will be distributing a survey to gain student, staff, parent, and community input in regards to school resuming in the fall. The well-being of our students, staff, and community, as well as “Excellence in Education”, are of the utmost importance to us. Our intent is to build a plan that could be used in the event of any emergency, potential long term school closure, or the need to comply with any CDC/State/Local requirements. The current options while being compliant with Federal/State mandates are: Restricted (fully on-campus while adhering to CDC guidelines), Completely Online, and Partial (any combination of the previous two). This survey will help us gather stakeholder insight on how you feel we should proceed. GPS will share the survey via school email (students and staff), GPS website & social media pages (parents and community), and for those without online access, paper copies will be available in the district business office. We anticipate this survey taking approximately 5 minutes or less to complete. Your input is not only appreciated but is essential. Thank you ahead of time for your participation!
almost 5 years ago, Glendive Public Schools
There are many important things coming up as we wind down the school year at Jefferson. Please take the time to read through the following to make sure you are up to date! https://docs.google.com/document/d/1sgaiAYX-22PzluVXLhdV552h_VTgOUNM1BRhueq2ekc/edit?usp=sharing
almost 5 years ago, Caroline Coovert
Here is how final grades will be done this year for K-8. #GPSCommunity #COVID-19
almost 5 years ago, Glendive Public Schools
k-8 Pass/Incomplete
Social-Emotional Learning is very important to us here at GPS. In the final weeks of school, we will be offering many opportunities for you and your student(s) to watch and participate in some online learning in regards to resilience. Please join us Monday for this great training with Jeff Veley. If you can't make it at 10:00 am, don't worry, we will be rebroadcasting it at 6:00 pm that night. Hope you will be able to watch! Flyer: https://5il.co/frhv #GPSCommunity #Resilience
almost 5 years ago, Glendive Public Schools
Jeff Veley Parent Training
From Superintendent Schreibeis: The GPS Board of Trustees met Wednesday night and unanimously approved the recommendation to continue online remote learning for the remainder of this school year. This is an intentional decision that puts the safety of our students and staff first and foremost. While our school campuses are closed, we have an obligation to ensure our students continue to receive quality education services through the remainder of the school year, with a focus on the delivery of instruction through distance learning and providing school meals to our students. If you currently have questions or concerns about your students’ progress, please take the time to contact your child’s teacher(s). We recognize the closure of school campuses through the end of the school year brings about many questions. Please be watching for upcoming communication from your child’s principal and teacher(s) on how these last few weeks of the school year will be used to get assignments and work turned in, return textbooks and other school-owned items, and provide additional support that may be needed. More information will be coming out in the upcoming days. I also want to acknowledge the extraordinary efforts of school staff to serve our students and families with continuity of learning, nutrition, and social/emotional supports during these unprecedented circumstances. We truly have an amazing staff, awesome students, and supportive community! #GPSCommunity #WeAreInThisTogether
almost 5 years ago, Glendive Public Schools
Please help us in celebrating our Cooks! They are always amazing and deserving of recognition, but during this transition with COVID-19, they have been nothing short of superheros! We really appreciate everything that they do for our students and staff! #GPSPride #LunchHeros
almost 5 years ago, Glendive Public Schools
School Lunch Hero Day
We are having a "Reverse Parade" at Jefferson this Friday evening from 6-7 pm. Drive by to safely see the JES staff! We are so excited!
almost 5 years ago, Caroline Coovert
Reverse Parade at Jefferson
Ballots have been sent out for the May 5, 2020 Election. Below is a Flyer for the High School General Fund Levy. PDF: https://5il.co/f7p9​​ #Vote #BeInformed
almost 5 years ago, Glendive Public Schools
High School General Fund Levy Flyer  PDF: https://5il.co/f7p9