#MartinLutherKingJrday #Respect #JeffersonDinomites #GPSPride #GPSCommunity #stickwithlove

#JeffersonDinomites #effort #workhard #strugglethrough

Mrs. Ree and Mrs. Johnson's Walk to Read class recently practiced surgically splicing completely separate words together to create contractions #linguisticsurgery #firstgradesurgery #JeffersonDinomites #StrongerTogether

#StrongerTogether #Community #JeffersonDinomites #ittakesacommunity

We've only been back a couple days, but these industrious Dinomites are building away at a better 2019! They can accomplish great things together! #JeffersonDinomites #ittakesacommunity #teamwork #2019 #publiceducation

Come join us for a community forum on January 2nd @ 6:30 p.m. in the DCHS Auditorium.

Glendive Public Schools would like your input!
As many of you know, the District has launched a comprehensive planning process to identify the educational needs of the community and shape the overall vision for our future. Determining the goals and aspirations of Glendive residents is the main objective driving our planning efforts. This will be a transparent process in which we will continue to seek feedback to ensure we create vision which reflects our entire community.
As part of this effort we will be reaching out in various ways to get your input. The first opportunity is available now through a community-wide online survey.
Please consider taking a few minutes to fill out the survey through the following link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/YYSPZTB

Mrs. Linder, you the real MVP! After two Dinomite holiday concerts, Mrs. Linder is leading our 1st graders around town to carol and spread holiday cheer! #JeffersonDinomites #ittakesacommunity #spreadingholidaycheer #gettinginthespirit #seasonsgreetings

Many of our second grade students were recognized for their achieving their AR reading goals and demonstrating Dinomite learning for our 1st grade students. Thank you to Stockman Bank for sponsoring this event. #JeffersonDinomites #ittakesacommunity #bealearner #beareader

The link between nutrition, physical activity, and learning is well documented. Healthy eating and activity patterns are essential for students to achieve their full academic potential, full physical, and mental growth, and lifelong health and well being.