In order to meet the needs of our Jefferson families, we are trying an order form for parents to order offsite meals instead of having our students order. Please fill out the following form only if you would like to order meals for your JES child when they are offsite. If you would like to order for more than one child at Jefferson, please fill this form out for each child. The offsite meals that are ordered will be sent home with students on their onsite days for the following day when they are not physically at school. Your regular meal cost will apply to the meals that are ordered. This order form is a trial run for the week and will be tweaked as needed. Thank you for being flexible as we figure out the best way to serve our students!
over 4 years ago, Caroline Coovert
Beginning Monday, August 31, Glendive Public Schools will offer breakfast and lunch meals for children to take home for their offsite days. A meal count will be taken in each homeroom/1st period, first thing each morning. On Monday and Tuesday, children may sign up for an onsite lunch for that current day and for a breakfast and/or lunch meal to take home for the following day. On Wednesdays, “A day” students may request meals for Thursday and Friday breakfasts and/or lunches during meal count. Thursdays “B day” students may request meals for Friday and Monday breakfasts and/or lunches during meal count. A staff member will be in a designated area to distribute the requested meals as students leave school each afternoon. Please do not hesitate to contact Food Service Director, Anne Sadorf at 377-2555 if you need assistance or have any questions.
over 4 years ago, Glendive Public Schools
Please click on the following link to see the GPS Active COVID cases. Check back as we will update the document once we get more information. You can also go to to find this link and get the updates. GPS Active COVID cases:
over 4 years ago, Glendive Public Schools
On August 26, 2020, Glendive Public Schools was notified that a teacher at Jefferson tested positive for COVID-19. The positive test was confirmed on August 26, 2020. According to the Dawson County Health Department, the District's students were not in contact with the teacher during the period of possible exposure. However, the teacher last worked in person-to-person contact with fellow staff on August 21st, five days prior to the teacher’s diagnosis. This teacher took precautions and did not have any contact with students. Glendive Public Schools will continue to take safety precautions to make sure all students and staff are as safe as possible. If any staff or students are at risk of exposure, the Dawson County Health Department will be in contact with that person to determine a safe and appropriate course of action. It is still recommended that any person who feels sick or ill, seek out their medical provider for specific instructions. Glendive Public Schools is following the Dawson County Health Department and CDC guidelines to clean and disinfect our schools everyday. School administrators will continue to monitor the situation and will provide further information if and when it becomes available.
over 4 years ago, Glendive Public Schools
We are so excited to have students in our buildings again. Below is some information that might help you out for this first week.​ Face coverings: Please remember that students/staff will be required to wear face coverings on school property at all times except for the following circumstances: where social distancing can be maintained, at recess if the groups/cohorts are less than 50 students, consuming food and drink, and while engaging in physical activity. This applies even if we drop below 4 active cases in Dawson County. Our plans were in place before Glendive had enough cases for the Governor's order to go into effect based on guidance from our Health Department and the CDC recommendations. Online: If you have opted out of Face-to-Face instruction you should be getting information from each school on when your student will start. If you still haven't seen anything, please call the school that your child goes to for more information. Offsite: With this being the first week of school, we will not be doing the offsite days. We want to make sure that we have everything set up. Next week, we will be starting the offsite days with all students. Your student's teachers will be sending work home or in their online platform for the students to complete. Recess: Each school is set up a little differently with how recess will work this year. Each school is trying to set up times for students to be outside without their masks. The general rule is that students can be outside without their masks if they are grouped with fewer than 50 students and they are outside for less than 15 minutes. There will be times where this is not possible (i.e. mornings when all students come to school on the playground). Please know we will continue to try and create opportunities for students to be able to take off their face coverings. Please help us by encouraging your students to follow these procedures so that we can continue to try and offer these opportunities and keep our schools healthy. Food Service: This week we will be offering Breakfast and Lunch for onsite students only. Next week, we will start offering the opportunity for students to also request Breakfast and Lunch on their offsite days. Please watch out for more information coming out this week about how the offsite process will work along with the process for students that are online.
over 4 years ago, Glendive Public Schools
On Thursday, August 27th, we will be inviting our online students to check out their iPads and meet their teacher. You are welcome to come to Jefferson between noon and 3 pm to do this. We look forward to seeing you and getting you set up to learn online!
over 4 years ago, Caroline Coovert
Here is further information about the First Day Celebration happening tomorrow for A group students and Thursday for B group students. We are so excited to see you all there!
over 4 years ago, Caroline Coovert
The following is guidance and protocols developed by the Dawson County Health Department to help mitigate the risk of COVID-19 spread at Glendive Public Schools. Please check out the following link. We will also be sending out a Frequently Asked Questions sheet developed by the Health Department in the next couple of days.
over 4 years ago, Glendive Public Schools
RE: GPS will NOT be charging the Tech Fee for 20-21 school year Thank you for your patience as we travel to new waters for Glendive Public Schools. Recently it was announced that parents were going to need to pay a $30 rental fee for the Chromebooks and Ipads that the students will be receiving this year. After last spring, we heard from many parents and staff members that the online learning was difficult for many reasons. Some of those reasons had to do with not having the proper devices, not being able to keep their student on task, not being able to control what their student was doing, etc. We heard loud and clear and were able to purchase Chromebooks for all students grades 3-12 and IPads for students grades PK-2. Not only were we able to get a device for every student, but we also wanted to make sure that they meet all student privacy requirements and applicable technology laws. In addition, we wanted to make sure that we were able to control all aspects of the device at school or at home for their offsite days. We have received many emails and have talked to many parents over the last week about the rental fee. We will NOT be charging this fee this year as we agree that it was announced too late. If you have already paid the fee, the school will be contacting you to give your money back. We understand that grants were used to purchase this equipment. The school district will need to find a way to help make this sustainable moving forward. There will still be a device checkout sheet that will need to be signed so parents are aware of the process for checking out the device. If you have any questions about this, please contact your student’s building administrator. We are really looking forward to having students start back in the schools tomorrow. Again, thank you for your patience and grace throughout this difficult time.
over 4 years ago, Glendive Public Schools
Wednesday is our first day of school for our A group students. Thursday is our first day for our B group students. On each of these mornings from 7:45-8 am, we will be having a COVID-19 safe First Day Celebration for your child's first day of school. It will look different than it has in the past, but we want to celebrate the first day! Everyone in attendance will be required to wear a mask at all times while on the school campus and will say goodbyes before students enter the building. Please be on the lookout for more information tomorrow. Kindergarten class lists will be posted at the end of the day on Monday, August 24th. They will be on the front doors of Jefferson by 4 pm. With school right around the corner, please make sure you have registered your kindergartener or new student! If you are struggling with getting through the process on Infinite Campus, please call the Jefferson office at 377-4155. We will be happy to assist you! Here is the link to register in case you need it!
over 4 years ago, Caroline Coovert
Governor Bullock's Clarification on Face Coverings for Schools PDF:
over 4 years ago, Glendive Public Schools
Gov Bullock Clarification on Face Coverings
Info on Transportation: With the A/B Hybrid Schedule, Glendive Public Schools will have busing available for all students that need it! Busing will be available starting the first day of school. Here is the new bus schedule for the 20-21 school year.
over 4 years ago, Glendive Public Schools
Thank you for your patience and grace in this difficult time. We have been working on a document to get out to our staff, parents, and community. Below you will find a link to the GPS Reopening Plan 20-21. This is not intended to be an all encompassing document, but a resource that you can go to for some information about reopening our schools for the 20-21 school year. Please also check out our website where you can find additional information and who to contact if you have questions or concerns.
over 4 years ago, Glendive Public Schools
This year we will have different schedules to accommodate all the changes that need to be made. Below you will find the start and end times for each school. Please note that these can be changed as new information arises before the first day of school. Students will not be allowed to be onsite at the school before 7:45 a.m. JES - Start time: 8:00 a.m. - End Time: 3:20 p.m. LES - Start time: 8:00 a.m. - End Time: 3:05 p.m. WMS - Start time: 8:00 a.m. - End Time: 2:46 p.m. DCHS - Start time: 8:00 a.m. - End Time: 2:46 p.m. Thank you for your patience with this. There have been so many changes and we could not finalize these times until we had everything set. Please check out our Frequently Asked Questions Sheet for more information:
over 4 years ago, Glendive Public Schools
Class lists for 1st and 2nd grades have been posted on the front doors of JES. You can check them at your convenience. Kindergarten registration is still happening, so those lists will be posted at a later date.
over 4 years ago, Caroline Coovert
Glendive Public Schools is hosting a substitute teacher training on 8/21/20 at 9 am in the DCHS cafeteria. All current substitutes are required to attend along with any new subs. The district is in dire need of substitutes and encourages anyone interested to apply online at (click on menu - employment - current openings - then scroll to the bottom and click on apply - left hand column (vacancies- substitute) - apply!) A degree in education is not required but applicants must be able to pass a background check and have a desire to be a positive influence in the lives of our students.
over 4 years ago, Glendive Public Schools
GPS Reopening 20-21 Frequently Asked Questions Updated: 8/14/20
over 4 years ago, Glendive Public Schools
With school just around the corner, please check out our communication sheet. The best way to get immediate and accurate information about what is happening with Glendive Public Schools is to download our app. (see sheet for details). Thank you for your patience as we work out everything that will help us have a great start to the 20-21 school year. PDF Version:
over 4 years ago, Glendive Public Schools
GPS Reopening  Communication   PDF Version:
We have a new approved calendar for 20-21! Please note that the first day of school for "A" students is on Wednesday, August 26th and Thursday, August 27th for "B" students. We are working hard on class lists and schedules so that we can get those out soon. Thank you for your patience! Calendar PDF:
over 4 years ago, Glendive Public Schools
GPS Reopening 20-21 Frequently Asked Questions Please check back frequently as we will be changing this document as more information comes out.
over 4 years ago, Glendive Public Schools