Our Dino-mite kindergarteners love buddy reading with our fourth grader dinos! We are so lucky they take the time to be leaders for our littles! #jesdinomites #lesdinos

Our Dino-mites practiced their sight words by swatting the bug with the correct sight word on it. It sure was a fun way to practice!

Today we “camped” out with a good book to celebrate I Love to Read Month!

This is your friendly reminder that Parent Teacher Conferences are happening today! Please come for your scheduled time between 2 and 8. We are excited to celebrate your child’s successes!

Thank you to our Trading Card Kids for coming to Jefferson yesterday to teach about tobacco prevention!

We have 2 second graders celebrating “Twosday” as twins! Happy 2-22-22!

Mrs. Kinney’s class is learning about the continents and oceans.

Mrs. Barthel’s class are scientists! They made volcanoes and they even erupted!

It’s so special sharing our love of reading with our Lincoln reading buddies!

A huge thank you to these DCC Buccaneers for taking the time to visit and read with Mrs. Young’s class. Our first graders’ faces say it all!

February is “I Love to Read” month. That's right: an entire month dedicated to promoting a love of reading and being read to. We want to show just how much our Dino-mites love reading, so send us photos of your child reading in ANY location! They can be reading to themselves or to someone else! We will display them on our bulletin board in the foyer. Feel free to email them to kinneys@glendiveschools.org or share them with your child’s classroom teacher. Thanks for participating and showing that reading can be enjoyed in many different ways!

Our dinomites are such mathematicians that they even practice in the snow! #wearedinomite

We love recess when there is snow! These Montana kids sure know how to build a great snowman!

We’re pretty lucky to get to spend our days with these incredible, little humans!

Come rain or shine, sleet or snow, our Dinomites spread cheer everywhere they go! Thank you to all of our local businesses and retirement homes that were so excited to have us come sing for you! And a HUGE shoutout to our amazing bus drivers who took us all around town: Thank you Bettye Lou, Bob, John, and Scott!

Please click on the following link for important information about tomorrow, December 17, 2021. Thanks!

Fun for the kids during Christmas Break!! Sign up for basketball camp!!

Jefferson Elementary Kindergarten Programs are happening in the Jefferson gym!
1:15pm- Mrs. Diegel, Mrs. Harris, Mrs. Hansen
2:15pm- Mrs. Berg, Mrs. Hopfauf, Mrs. Wahl
Some important information:
· Please do not come into the gym until we open the doors. We may still be getting Kindergarten students settled.
· Parking may be tricky but we hope to move everyone in and out as quickly as possible. Please do not come into the building more than 10 minutes before your child’s concert as we do still have classes learning.
· You may take your student if you would like to after the concert. Students will need to go back to their classrooms after their concert, and parents will need to sign out their student with their classroom teacher in order to take them. If you would still like to wait until normal school release times, or have your child ride the bus in their normal routine, that is fine as well.
· We will be recording the concert and blurring out faces of students that cannot be videotaped. If you would like a copy of the recording, please email Mrs. Linder at linderk@glendiveschools.org

We are so excited for our 1st and 2nd grade Christmas concert tomorrow night at 6 pm in the DCHS auditorium. Please have your child there no later than 5:45. They will come to the back hallway and please keep their coats with you. Also, we will be practicing tomorrow morning and the kids will need a sock (if they have not brought one already) and a water bottle. Thank you so much!!

Sorry for the late notice! Lunch menu has changed for today and Wednesday.
Today will be deli sandwich, chips, fruit, veggie, and milk.
Wednesday will be pizza, fruit, veggie, and milk.