This kindergarten postcard lunch was so fun! We’ve got some really Dino-mite kindergarteners! Be on the lookout for postcards coming in the mail!
over 2 years ago, Caroline Coovert
kindergarten postcard lunch
kindergarten postcard lunch
kindergarten postcard lunch
Check out the First Quarter Newsletter to see what our school and students have been up to! We have some exciting things coming up too!
over 2 years ago, Caroline Coovert
Fundraiser top sellers
With the weather changing so drastically and quick, I wanted to take the time to address winter wear needs. We have heat at Jefferson but even with that, the temperature greatly differs in each room without our ability to adjust individually. Please be aware of this when you dress your child this week and upcoming winter. They will definitely need a coat, gloves, and hats everyday for outside recess. We will go outside as long as the windchill is above zero. Before we know it, they will need snow pants and boots otherwise they will be required to stay on the blacktop. Thanks for your help in making sure our students are prepared! -Caroline Coovert
over 2 years ago, Caroline Coovert
Important information from GPS:
over 2 years ago, Glendive Public Schools
Mrs. Greenwalt’s class made some cool creations! They are a group of young engineers!
over 2 years ago, Caroline Coovert
first graders holding up their creations
first graders holding up their creations
Some first grade students wrote their numbers in shaving cream for an extra fun way to get in more practice! Way to be mathematicians!
over 2 years ago, Caroline Coovert
first grader learning with shaving cream
first grader writing with shaving cream
first grader with shaving cream
first grader writing with shaving cream
We had our first postcard lunch last week. We celebrated these amazing kids who are being extra Dino-mite. We are so proud of you!
over 2 years ago, Caroline Coovert
second grade students
kindergarten students
kindergarten students
Sorry!! One more lunch change!! Tomorrow- Chalupas, fruit, veggie, and milk
over 2 years ago, Kara Barthel
Lunch Menu Change!!! Tuesday the 20th will be hamburger gravy, mashed potatoes, fruit, veggie, and milk. Wednesday the 21st will be Grilled Cheese/tomato soup, fruit, and milk. Have a great day!!
over 2 years ago, Kara Barthel
We had the best time at the All Schools Assembly for homecoming. We love when all of our students and staff can get together to celebrate together! Some of our second graders participated in the hula hoop game and they did awesome. Go Red Devils!
over 2 years ago, Caroline Coovert
second graders playing the game
kids at the assembly
second graders playing a game
kids at the assembly
After our assembly this week, we had three extra Dino-mite classrooms who got the grade level trophy. Way to be Dino-mite Mrs. Corder, Mrs. Barthel, and Miss Geiger’s classes!
over 2 years ago, Caroline Coovert
kindergarteners with their dinosaur
second graders with their dinosaur
first graders with their dinosaur
The Jefferson PTA will be meeting tonight at 5:30 in the Jefferson Gym. Please join us to learn more about the organization and how to get involved to support our school!
over 2 years ago, Caroline Coovert
Next week is homecoming for our district! Jefferson will be participating in dress up days for anyone who would like to participate. Of course, participation is not necessary. It's going to be a great week!
over 2 years ago, Caroline Coovert
Homecoming Dress Up Days
Don’t forget that today is picture day! Remember to wear your best smiles!
over 2 years ago, Caroline Coovert
We’ve already got some incredible creations happening! Look at this awesome castle two of our kindergarteners built together! #dinomites
over 2 years ago, Caroline Coovert
kindergarteners posing in front of their castle
Welcome Dino-mites! We are so excited to meet our kindergarteners today! The time is almost here!
over 2 years ago, Caroline Coovert
welcome Dino-mites!
Important information about the 22-23 School Year:
over 2 years ago, Glendive Public Schools
GPS News
We have some changes here at Jefferson. I am so excited to announce that Mrs. Schultz will now be the counselor of Jefferson! Miss Geiger will now be teaching second grade. The first grade position is not yet filled, but you will be notified as soon as that changes. These staffing changes were not expected, but we are so excited to welcome new and returning staff to new positions. As always, our staff is going to rock it! We are going to have a dino-mite year! -Caroline Coovert
over 2 years ago, Caroline Coovert
Please make sure that your Jefferson student has a water bottle for school. Our students will have the use of water bottle filling stations from Superior Water, but will not have access to water fountains. Please make sure to send a water bottle that securely closes with your child. This allows for significantly less water spills. Thank you for your help with this!
over 2 years ago, Caroline Coovert
8/5/22 I wanted to send out an update about the water situation here at Jefferson and the start of the school year. School will start on the scheduled first day of school, either the 17th or the 18th depending on your child’s grade. The state has approved the temporary use of the current well until the cistern system is ready. When the cistern system is ready, the water will be switched over. This temporary solution of the use of our well will allow our school to start on time instead of canceling school for the first couple of weeks. Drinking water stations, with water from Superior Water, will be used throughout the school as they have been for the last couple of years. We are so thankful the state has granted us this option to minimize the impact on our community. This school year is going to be amazing and we are so excited to get started! Best, Caroline Coovert
over 2 years ago, Caroline Coovert