Look at these hard working second graders building words #bedinomite
almost 2 years ago, Caroline Coovert
second graders working hard
Miss Geiger's class used "cootie catchers" to help them learn about adverbs and write sentences #bedinomite
almost 2 years ago, Caroline Coovert
“cootie catchers” used for writing
“cootie catchers” used for writing
Mrs. Hrubes has a bunch of mathematicians in her first grade class. Here they are learning about measurement. #bedinomite
almost 2 years ago, Caroline Coovert
first graders learning about measurement
Mrs. Mayer's class has been crushing their reading goals! #bedinomite
almost 2 years ago, Caroline Coovert
Mrs. Mayer’s readers
Our first group of first graders earned a puppy lunch on the stage by reading to their puppies! We love this program and are so thankful for the encouragement for our little readers! #bedinomite
almost 2 years ago, Caroline Coovert
first graders who earned a puppy lunch
Mrs. Kinney's class did an unlock the box activity for some St. Patrick's Day fun. There were all kinds of problem-solving skills used to figure it out! #bedinomite
almost 2 years ago, Caroline Coovert
unlock the box in second grade
unlock the box in second grade
unlock the box in second grade
unlock the box in second grade
unlock the box in second grade
unlock the box in second grade
Mrs. Barthel's class celebrated spring by channeling their inner artists!
almost 2 years ago, Caroline Coovert
Mrs. Barthel’s first grade artists
Here are some pictures from the last day of February- read across America! Mrs. Skillestad's class spent their 24 compliments on blanket forts, shared snacks, and lots of reading! They absolutely loved it!!
almost 2 years ago, Caroline Coovert
Mrs. Skillestad’s second graders reading in forts!
Mrs. Skillestad’s second graders reading in forts!
Mrs. Skillestad’s second graders reading in forts!
Mrs. Carbajal's class read the book "Spaghetti in a Hot Dog Bun" and then of course had to try it!
almost 2 years ago, Caroline Coovert
second graders trying spaghetti in a hotdog bun after reading the book
Dinosaur week means Ms. Berg's class turns into paleontologists! Look at these Dino-mute kindergarteners go!
almost 2 years ago, Caroline Coovert
Ms. Berg’s kinders are paleontologists searching
Ms. Berg’s kinders are paleontologists searching for tiny words on their dinosaur bones
Ms. Berg’s kinders are paleontologists searching for tiny words on their dinosaur bones
Ms. Berg’s kinders are paleontologists searching for tiny words on their dinosaur bones
Ms. Berg’s kinders are paleontologists searching for tiny words on their dinosaur bones
Ms. Berg’s kinders are paleontologists searching for tiny words on their dinosaur bones
Officer Tessa Hopper, Deputy Brett Patterson, and K-9 Shelly visited Mrs. Mayer’s class to read a book about K-9 officers for I Love to Read month. Thank you for taking the time to share your love of reading with our students. They definitely inspired our students!
almost 2 years ago, Caroline Coovert
Reading to Mrs. Mayer’s second grade class
Reading to Mrs. Mayer’s second grade class
Reading to Mrs. Mayer’s second grade class
Reading to Mrs. Mayer’s second grade class
Our Kindergarten Screening and Registration are March 31 at Jefferson. Please join us to tour the school, meet some of our staff, and get great information on how to help make your child's transition to kindergarten seamless! This is open to students who are or will be five by September 10th. Call now to schedule an appointment.
about 2 years ago, Caroline Coovert
Kindergarten Screening and Registration, Call 377-1253 for an appointment, March 31 from 8-12:30
A former Jefferson dino-mite, Abby, came as a guest reader in Mrs. Hopfauf's classroom. The bonus is that she is actually the niece of Mrs. Hopfauf as well! Thank you, Abby, for taking the time to share your love of reading with our little dino-mites!
about 2 years ago, Caroline Coovert
middle schooler reading to kindergarteners
middle schooler reading to kindergarteners
middle schooler reading to kindergarteners
Look at these second grade mathematicians! Mrs. Kinney's class is hard at work practicing their math skills.
about 2 years ago, Caroline Coovert
second graders adding
second graders adding
Our book fair is open through March 2 in our library. Feel free to stop in between 8 and 3:30 or until 8 pm tonight for conferences! Sales from the book fair go directly into our library to buy new books and subscriptions for our students to use. We truly appreciate your support!
about 2 years ago, Caroline Coovert
Please take a look at the Second Quarter Newsletter to see a snapshot of what we've been up to at Jefferson! https://express.adobe.com/page/H7SZYcKU1GaCu/
about 2 years ago, Caroline Coovert
The mystery reader in Mrs. Mayer’s class was retired teacher Mary Kay Badley. She enjoyed reading to her granddaughter’s class almost as much as the students enjoyed having her!
about 2 years ago, Caroline Coovert
Mrs. Bradley reading to second graders
Mrs. Diegel's class had Officer Blasdel as a guest reader this week. He shared a book with the students and then showed them his police vehicle. They loved it! Thank you, Officer Blasdel!
about 2 years ago, Caroline Coovert
Mrs. Diegel’s class with their guest reader
Due to our photographer not being able to get to us due to weather, picture day has been rescheduled for Thursday, February 16th. On Wednesday, February 15, we will have sweats day for Sweat it Out with a Good Book! Thanks for being flexible with our schedule changes!
about 2 years ago, Caroline Coovert
A huge thank you to the mystery readers who have come in to Miss Geiger's class so far to read! It's a surprise to find out who it is and brings even more joy to reading. Thanks for helping us share the joy of reading with our Dino-mites!
about 2 years ago, Caroline Coovert
Mystery Reader in Miss Geiger’s Class
Mystery Reader in Miss Geiger’s Class
Mystery Reader in Miss Geiger’s Class
Mystery Reader in Miss Geiger’s Class