GPS Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Response letter
PDF File: https://5il.co/dpy3 (clickable links)

Part 4 of a WMS video series.
Video: 4 min 59 secs

Letter from Glendive Public Schools
PDF File: https://5il.co/dnbu (clickable links)

Paisley and Mrs. Skillestad had a blast cooking together! What an amazing incentive to offer her students! We love helping students discover their love for reading!

Mrs. Skillestad‘s second graders quite literally had a blast with elephant toothpaste yesterday! We love science!

Part 3 of a WMS video series.
Video: 1 min 56 secs

Part 2 of a WMS video series.
Video: 1 min 59 secs

Part 1 of a WMS video series.
Video: 3 min 23 secs

The Glendive PTA is hosting an open-house tour of the Elementary District schools! Jefferson, Lincoln and Washington Middle School are holding special evening hours open to the interested public! Join us in an interactive conversation about the current conditions of each of our schools. Each school will be open from 4-7pm on Thursday, March 5th!
We understand busy schedules-the PTA is providing snacks and babysitting during your tour of each school!
At 6pm, join us in the Lincoln Elementary gymnasium for a Q & A session with Superintendent Stephen Schreibeis, Core Team Members, and Johnson Controls. We look forward to seeing you!

Part 3 of a LES video series.
Video: 2 min 09 secs

Part 2 of a LES video series.
Video: 2 min 37 secs

Part 1 of a LES video series.
Video: 2 min 39 secs

Part 2 of a JES video series.
Video: https://youtu.be/JZTkUKY7Kvw (1:32)

Part 1 of a JES video series.
Video: https://youtu.be/grL7fDC3EqM (2:31)

Please check our website to find information about the upcoming Glendive Elementary School District #1 Bond Measure.
Please watch out for more information being added daily.
FYI: February 24th is the close of Regular Registration to vote. Find out more information on the website.
Questions or concerns:
Call or email Superintendent Schreibeis at 377-5339 or schreibeiss@glendiveschools.org

From the Transportation Dept: Tuesday, 2-4-2020 bus 7 will not run the afternoon route.
Not enough drivers.

"I Love to Read" all month long! This is a great opportunity to read a little extra with your kids!!

Just a reminder for everyone to continue to do the following things so that you can protect your student and everyone else. We have to all be in this together to #KillTheNorovirus.
1. Wash your student's clothes, jackets, backpacks, etc.
2. Clean your house with bleach or another product that takes care of the Norovirus (remember, disinfectants don't work on the Norovirus).
3. Make sure everyone is washing their hands frequently with soap and water (hand sanitizers do not work on the Norovirus).
4. Keep students home 48 hours after they no longer have symptoms.
We know that it is really difficult to do some of these, especially number 4. We appreciate everyone's continued effort with keeping our schools and community safe.
Have a great weekend! Go #68!

We couldn't be prouder! Thanks for inspiring all of us Mike Person!
Video: https://youtu.be/o7pmipO37FI